Connecting the Dots: IoT-Cloud ERP Integration as a Path to Business Excellence


  • rajan


The convergence of Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems presents a dynamic opportunity for businesses to achieve operational excellence and competitive advantage. This research paper explores the intricate connection between IoT and Cloud ERP integration, shedding light on how organizations can chart a path towards business excellence.

Drawing from an extensive review of academic literature and real-world case studies, this paper reveals the transformative impact of integrating IoT and Cloud ERP systems. It explores how real-time data generated by IoT devices can seamlessly integrate with Cloud ERP platforms, resulting in streamlined operations, data-driven decision-making, and strategic business success. It further examines the potential for reducing costs, elevating customer experiences, and fostering innovation through this integration.

The research paper also addresses potential challenges, such as data security, system complexity, and change management, providing valuable insights into strategies and best practices to overcome these hurdles. By providing a comprehensive understanding of how organizations can harness IoT and Cloud ERP integration for business excellence, this paper equips business leaders, IT professionals, and researchers with the knowledge required to navigate the path to success in an increasingly digital and data-centric business environment.

Ultimately, this paper aims to serve as an indispensable resource for those seeking to unlock the full potential of IoT and Cloud ERP integration, connecting the dots between technology and business excellence.


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How to Cite

rajan. (2023). Connecting the Dots: IoT-Cloud ERP Integration as a Path to Business Excellence. Transaction on Recent Developments in Industrial IoT, 15(15). Retrieved from


