Examining addressing strategies for the internet of things: issues and difficulties


  • Vasu Narag


The application of new technology is growing today across all industries. The goal of the development of the Internet of Things is what is known as "universal computing," the Third Wave of the Information Age. The innovation made it possible to talk to objects via radio waves and wireless sensors. This association with the expansion and advancement of technology is now well-known. The technology to save and alter information at any time and location was created at the same time.


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Reddy, Yeruva Ramana, An Empirical Study on The Best Prediction Model of Water Inflow Into Drill and Blast Tunnels Among Several Machine Learning Techniques (February 2, 2019). International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (www.jetir.org), ISSN-2349-5162, Vol.6, Issue 2, page no.888-891, February 2019, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4211902

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How to Cite

Narag, V. (2020). Examining addressing strategies for the internet of things: issues and difficulties. Transaction on Recent Developments in Industrial IoT, 12(12). Retrieved from https://journals.threws.com/index.php/TRDAIoT/article/view/125


