A Secure Steganographic Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata


  • ishara giul


This paper presents a steganographic approach based on Cellular Automata and the Fibonacci sequence. The pixel's colour component is divided into the Fibonacci domain to increase the number of accessible bit-planes for data-hiding. The secret bits are buried in a higher LSB layer to strengthen the robustness of concealed data against modification attempts. Nonetheless, inserting the hidden bit in the upper LSB layer creates additional cover-image distortion. To reduce distortion in the cover image, an adaptive correction was used. The use of the Game of Life, a cellular automaton, to generate the used key stream for encryption and image pixel selection improves the security of the hidden message.



How to Cite

giul, ishara. (2017). A Secure Steganographic Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata. International Journal of Sustainable Devlopment in Field of IT, 9(9). Retrieved from https://journals.threws.com/index.php/IT/article/view/88


