Enhancing Explainability in Machine Learning Models Using Shapley Values and Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME)


  • Prof. Kummar Sharma


The increasing complexity of machine learning models has led to challenges in understanding their decision-making processes, particularly in critical applications like healthcare, finance, and law. This paper proposes a novel framework combining Shapley Values and Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) to enhance model explainability. Shapley Values provide a robust theoretical foundation for feature importance, while LIME offers localized insights into individual predictions. Together, they create a comprehensive explainability toolkit that ensures transparency without sacrificing predictive performance. The framework is validated using real-world datasets, demonstrating its ability to generate intuitive explanations for both global and local model behavior. By making machine learning systems more interpretable, this approach fosters trust among stakeholders and facilitates compliance with ethical and regulatory standards. The results highlight the potential of this method to bridge the gap between high-performing models and the need for interpretability in real-world applications.



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How to Cite

Sharma, P. K. (2024). Enhancing Explainability in Machine Learning Models Using Shapley Values and Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME). International Journal of Sustainable Development in Computer Science Engineering, 10(10). Retrieved from https://journals.threws.com/index.php/IJSDCSE/article/view/305


