A Systematic Review of Cloud Architectural Approaches for Optimizing Total Cost of Ownership and Resource Utilization While Enabling High Service Availability and Rapid Elasticity


  • Leela Manush Gutta


As cloud computing continues to reshape the landscape of IT infrastructure, organizations strive to strike a delicate balance between cost-effectiveness, resource efficiency, and the ability to meet dynamic workloads. This systematic review explores and synthesizes the existing body of literature on cloud architectural approaches, aiming to optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), enhance resource utilization, ensure high service availability, and enable rapid elasticity. The study employs a rigorous systematic review methodology, encompassing a comprehensive search of peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, and relevant industry reports published over the last decade. The focus is on identifying architectural frameworks, design patterns, and strategies that contribute to the overarching goals of cost optimization, efficient resource utilization, and robust service availability in the cloud environment. Key themes emerging from the literature include Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices, microservices architectures, serverless computing paradigms, and auto-scaling mechanisms. These architectural elements are examined for their impact on TCO reduction, the efficient allocation of resources, and the ability to seamlessly scale resources in response to fluctuating demand. Additionally, considerations related to fault tolerance, load balancing, and data redundancy are explored in the context of ensuring high service availability. The systematic review also sheds light on the challenges and trade-offs associated with different architectural choices. Factors such as security implications, vendor lock-in risks, and the learning curve for implementing advanced architectural patterns are discussed, providing a nuanced understanding of the complexities organizations face when optimizing their cloud infrastructure. The findings of this systematic review contribute to the current state of knowledge in cloud architecture by offering insights into proven approaches, emerging trends, and potential areas for future research. The synthesis of diverse architectural strategies provides a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers seeking guidance on designing cloud solutions that align with business objectives, emphasizing the importance of an architectural foundation that not only minimizes costs but also maximizes resource efficiency, service availability, and agility in the face of changing demands.


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How to Cite

Gutta, L. M. (2024). A Systematic Review of Cloud Architectural Approaches for Optimizing Total Cost of Ownership and Resource Utilization While Enabling High Service Availability and Rapid Elasticity. International Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 16(1), 1–20. Retrieved from https://journals.threws.com/index.php/IJSCS/article/view/238


