Evaluating the Impact of ERP Systems in Banking Institutions


  • Madhavi Vinayak Godbole


This research paper investigates the profound impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems on the optimization of financial operations within banking institutions. With an increasing reliance on technological solutions to streamline financial processes, this study aims to evaluate and analyze the efficacy of ERP systems in enhancing operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and decision-making capabilities within the complex environment of banking institutions. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, case studies, and empirical data analysis, this paper assesses the multifaceted influence of ERP implementation on various facets of banking operations. Key areas of focus include process automation, data accuracy, risk management, and overall performance enhancement. The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the strategic utilization of ERP systems to achieve operational excellence in the dynamic landscape of banking.


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How to Cite

Godbole, M. V. (2010). Evaluating the Impact of ERP Systems in Banking Institutions. International Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2(1), 1–8. Retrieved from https://journals.threws.com/index.php/IJSCS/article/view/225


